Sunday, February 26, 2023

 I've recently taken up acrylic painting again, and boy do I love it! I'm super stoked to continue painting with it and have plans for a bunch more pieces.

Here is one I completed recently:

This piece will be in my upcoming show, although I do already have a prospective buyer for it! :)

 These are a couple of coloured chalk drawings that I have completed recently for my upcoming show at TAN coffee in Windsor, NS, for the month of March.

I really do enjoy using this technique, which I learned while studying life drawing at Sheridan College years ago.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023


 Wow, it's been a while!

I'm back on here to try and update things (finally!). I have a new art display and sale coming up in March at TAN Coffee in Windsor, NS, so it'll be important that people can see my NEW works of art :)

I'll be back later today to post some photos from my new show. Please check back, if you're interested to see more!