Thursday, November 30, 2023


 I found these cute frames years ago and thought that it would be nice to paint some waterolours to go into them :) I really liked the motion captured in the grizzly trying to catch it's next meal. This piece took much longer than expected, as there isn't a single bit of it that is a wash - every bit is covered in detail, whether it's the fur of the bear or the tumultuous water.

"Goin' Fishing" - $110, h/w: 10” x 6”
(just a [fuzzy] photo of it in the frame!

The second frame I used to create this painting of a polar bear. I really liked the beauty of this photo, showing the bear both above and below the surface. Since completing it, I have had it pointed out to me that it reminds people of an iceberg - more of it hiding below the surface than above! It's also a sad commentary on how the polar ice has been slowly melting away, causing the polar bears to have to swim more often than  before and wait longer for the ice to reform before returning to their hunting grounds.

I sold this piece to a good friend recently :) I do have prints available, though, if anyone is interested!

"Polar Dip" - $100, h/w: 6” x 10” (Original has sold)

Friday, November 24, 2023

Chalk explorations

 I've been drawing with chalks for around 30 years at this point but have just started to branch out into using multiple colours....and I'm really liking what I've been creating! :D

I first used two tones, instead of one, while creating this foxy guy:

"Foxy Look" - $75, h/w: 16 5/8” x 13 5/8” framed

I then moved on to multiple colours, which was so fun to explore! I really loved the blue and purple tones in this image, in contrast to the browns of the deer:

“Snowy Doe” - $60, h/w: 10 7/8” x 8 3/4” framed

And lastly, this little piece depicting a snowy owl gently landing on a branch. I loved the feeling of the sun shining through their feathers:

"Silent Landing" -  h/w: 8 5/8” x 6 3/4” framed

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

 Hey all,
I've been a bit lax lately, as there was no internet at the studio for a little while there. Now that it's back, I'm going to start posting more regularly again :)

Here's a painting that I sold fairly recently, through the Artisan Village in Smiths Falls. The person who bought it is also an accomplished watercolour painter (which is very flattering!) and not only owns sheep but has painted them as well!

"Pondering" (sold for $275) h/w: 18” x 22”