Thursday, January 20, 2011

Paintings for charity

Over the holidays, I had the privilege of watching a documentary on the annual dolphin slaughter that takes place in Taiji, Japan. The documentary is called, "The Cove", and I recommend that if you have any love for our aquatic brethren, you give it a watch. I do not have a lot of money - on the contrary, I have been experiencing some financial difficulties as of late - but I wanted to help out the people who are fighting to stop these atrocities from continuing in any way that I could. So, my plan is to put on my first art show, which the date for it will be decided once I have the majority of the paintings done. I am focusing my paintings on dolphins and whales, and have plans to do at least 20 pieces. As the details get worked out, I will post them on here, in case anyone is interested  in either attending the show, or possibly purchasing one of the paintings. I plan on donating 100% of the proceeds to the institution responsible for showing the world what is happening each year in Japan, the Earth Island Institute with their 'Save Japan Dolphins' project. I have yet to figure out how I will pay for the framing of the pieces, but I'm sure some solution will present itself.

I began these series of paintings with this painting :

I am not 100% sold on whether I will put this painting in the exhibition or not, as I had terrible difficulty with the watercolour paper I used for it. It seemed to disintegrate under my paintbrush, which, in turn, made the image look kinda fuzzy. I have been told that I'm too hard on myself or too critical of my art (what artist isn't?), so it may end up in the show, or I may re-paint it, maybe a little larger. But, I thought I'd post my efforts, anyways :)
Needless to say, I bought some better paper, and will paint the rest of my pieces on something that won't fall apart with water (watercolour paper that won't fall apart when wet....a 'novel' idea.....)

*edit* I thought I should post the website link for the organization I'm supporting :
It's worth viewing!

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